I was trying to follow along and to ensure I was doing it all correctly, I was double checking your outputs to make sure I was making the right outputs and I was able to get them all to match except for the part when you do the Double hash.
Interestingly, the first SHA256 hash of the new hexadecimal worked and matched but when I hash the hash I got different value. I tried both text input and HEX input and both did not produce the same double hash so I'm not sure what to do...
To be sure...
When i take
The first hash outputs (matches fine no issues)
Then when I hash again I get (using text input)
and when trying input type as HEX i get
I then searched for a double hash converter online and input the new hexadecimal which produced a double hash of
(which matches the first converter's output when input type is HEX)
I can't seem to figure out how you got
So I can't be sure if I'm doing it right for the address I was trying to make as I simply just took my "new hexadecimal" hashed it, copied that hash output into the input field and hashed it again then proceeded with the rest of the steps but because doing the same steps with your example doesn't produce the same results, I'm not sure if you did something different for the "hash of the hash". Would you mind clarifying what I can do to get the same double hash when using your example so that I can be sure when I apply it to the address I'm making that it's correct please?
For reference I am using this for the SHA256 hashing, which again, correctly did the first hash of your new hexadecimal correctly but not the hash of the hash: https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha256.html
And this is the double hash converter I tried that produced the same result as the one above when changing input type to HEX
[As a side note for anyone else, for the BASE58 conversion I used https://appdevtools.com/base58-encoder-decoder but in order to get the same result as shown in the article I had to change input type to HEX]