I'm not sure I follow your logic here. The origin is paid 1/2 of all HEX reclaimed by penalties, so let's start there, 500k to origin address and 500k goes to the payout pool for the day that the penalty occurs and to clarify, the interest pool applies to those who are staked on that day that it occurs. The origin address isn't said to be staking the HEX it receives and is more of a mechanism similar to the central bank's fiscal or monetary policy. In any case, where is the assumption that Richard represents 45% of the staker pool when the redemption period was a matter of Bitcoin holdings? Even viewing top holders on etherscan shows https://etherscan.io/token/0x2b591e99afe9f32eaa6214f7b7629768c40eeb39#balances that the highest holder aside from supporters of the Pulse fork is at 0.53% of course that doesn't take into account staked positions. While the largest stake there is right now is just over 4.8 million as shown here https://hex.vision/app/dashboards#/view/db14d650-342d-11ea-8d7f-a79593d8efcc?_g=(filters:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:'2019-12-03T00:00:00.000Z',to:now%2B5600d))
So all things considered, where is the 45% centralized ownership you're speculating from? I'm genuinely asking from a place of looking for references to as answers for clarity.
Otherwise it seems like someone who is saying the President owns the Federal Reserve, who's to say the US President can't just make an executive order to pay himself out. Sure he could, but it doesn't benefit the nation the President is sword to protect and serve. Sure Richard isn't sworn to serve and yes there's the possibility that he will scam us all, but what benefit does it offer for him to control the origin address if it means destroying any and all credibility for the one thing he spent so long building all just to live a life of secrecy and hide somewhere with all that money and live the rest of his life in fear of someone coming after him for an alleged scam? Who in their right mind would dare, considering he puts himself out there in the public eye?