A narrative of a hopeful opportunity of risk that lead to a seemingly short-lived unfruitful despair but was later relieved by the gratification of being completely and utterly wrong. But if you’re just here because you want to know, is Ai Marketing a scam or not? The answer is:

It’s worth noting that I am not one to normally be susceptible to online scams, email phishing, text message phishing, fake alerts, robo calls, scam calls, or fraudulent warnings and have a fairly good sense of knowing early on when someone talks to me isn’t who they say they are. But, there was nothin to indicate that this random person I just met on the internet, within a chat program I had never used before and had just downloaded, was someone to be trusted nor not trusted. But they introduced me to AI.Marketing and at first glance, I thought…
It’s a scam.

Not wanting to be rude, I played along and told him I was following the steps he was telling me on what to do. In reality, I began looking over the website and watching the various videos.
Mind you, his English was not so good. He struggled in explaining things to me and had initially sent me the website which displayed immediately, without even second guessing my local language settings, in Russian.
It’s a scam.
I had to navigate the site using Google Translate until finally discovering the language selector hidden in the top right of the page. Then, with a growing interest, I began asking this stranger where I could find what he was telling me to look for. It became a tennis match of screenshots with his showing French, mine sending English, then my changed to French to help him correlate my English Version.
Long story short, I signed up incorrectly the first time (per his instructions at least). But, it didn’t matter, I was too busy reading through everything as it began to make sense to me. I began questioning my own logic deduction of how it might theoretically work if it were true.

But ah, the sheer design of the website at the time, coupled with the initial language appearance being in Russian, a formidable opponent in terms of my own PC’s safety; once rattled by a virus coded by none other than one of them.
Then I decided, what have I got to lose? It’s already money I’ve invested in crypto anyways, so I should theoretically be prepared to lose it, right? 🤣

Anyway, let the numbers…begin!
Although I started this trial without telling anyone, I did post a progress report after the first month, just in case things went awry or something, somebody could call me out. I posted about it in a Facebook Group indicating that I was still testing things out before sharing it, voiced my concerns and at the time, my thoughts on the matter. (This should help you establish a verifiable timeline)

So, there are 2 accounts…
In the first account I committed to, I had deposit $100, both accounts utilized the $50 Gift Certificate whereas the 2nd account went to work without any deposit from me. both starting on the same day. Which means, both started 48 hours later together.
Each image had details explaining what each was. I show you screenshots of the following because 1) I don’t have to retype it and 2) So that you’ll see what I wrote about it in the context that my intention was to ensure this was legit.

You may have to click on the photos to enlarge to read the text in the screenshots

Updates from January 29th

Now the most important part

As you can see, on November 25, 2020 was my first deposit of $100 USD. Then on December 23rd, I deposited 0.08265829 ETH which at the time, was worth $100

The subsequent 12, 20, and 10 were cashback I had reinvested into the marketing bot.

So the December 12, 2020 withdrawal of “Tether” is repayment of the gift card. What’s not shown here is my initial withdrawal of $100 which I tried to do to USD. Because, the first withdrawal has a minimum of $100. What happened was I never received it and that’s when I thought:
Damn, it was a scam after all.
But after a period of dismay, I subtly confront the stranger who shared this with me.

As you can see, this was around January 15th (while you can’t see it was 2021). But I wanted to believe because as you’ll notice from above, I was able to transfer the $43 just fine.

From that moment on, I essentially thought to myself, the withdrawal to USD was a mistake I made, and as long as I withdraw through crypto, it should be safe.
Then the most unexpected thing happened —

This is when it sealed the deal for me.
There they were, customer service providing my missing funds, and for me, that was enough to assure me that it was legitimate otherwise they could’ve easily ignored my messages and kept me waiting for eternity.
And, I had forgotten there were screenshots I had sent to them to show which funds I was talking about, but as you can see I attempted the original withdrawal to USD on January 9, 2021 as mentioned earlier and so when they returned it to me, it was removed from my Transfers screen. As for the delay for its return, it was primarily because I hadn’t signed on Telegram soon enough to see they had requested my account number, they normally took a day or two to answer but I waited like 5 or 6 days before coming back on.
For the $100 I received back, I transferred it out to my Binance.US wallet
And here is receipt of it the following day

While some may argue screenshots can be modified or whatnot, that’s fine if they don’t believe it. It’s not as if I need anyone's approval or agreement to its legitimacy for me to gain an income. Like I mentioned, this is totally legit from my perspective, so I’m going to share it with everyone because we all deserve the opportunity of building wealth for ourselves. If we don’t help one another achieve prosperity, who will?
And, if you’re wondering. Heck yea, I put more in!
This is an actual recount of my experience with using the Ai.marketing platform where I still have an active account and continually use to reinvest my profits in. Although there will be links to my own referral site to follow, I have not altered the views expressed in my sharing in any way to benefit myself or hope that you will be convinced and click for yourself. As a matter of fact, the income I would make does not rely on recruitment of anyone joining under me nor do I need to have paying customers underneath me in a pyramid in order to generate revenue from this. This is why it is NOT a pyramid scheme as anyone can join and begin making a return on their investment. It does not require you “bring people in”.
Perhaps for legal reasons it cannot explicitly promise a return but I am not a legal advisor and cannot speak on that. I am also not a financial advisor and the story above has been provided to share my personal views, opinions, and expresses my thoughts on the matter. It is my opinion and does not represent or warrant that it is, should be, or would be considered as anyone else’s opinion but my own nor should it be taken as financial advise. Please invest properly.
If you have questions or found this article useful and was not already referred by one of their friends, please feel free to visit the link below and use my gift certificate to get started as a way of helping me, thank you:
If your friend sent you a link, please use their link to sign up, I do not wish to take away from anyone’s referrals and why I purposefully left out any sort of referral link throughout the article until the very end.