thanks to this comment I was able to find the story you wrote, thank you Scofield! It seems though, while i had thoroughly wished for this, it seems helping by sharing this cause act as a double edged sword as it also warns the scammers of what users have learned to watch out for as it seems in reviewing your post, the one that I recently came across may be using different tactics to siphon crypto from the eager but uneducated.
I'm wondering then, if instead of just preventing future use by warning users, would it be possible, in theory, if we were hypothetically able to add some sort of code snippet (don't mind the yellow/red tape to getting this accomplished but I just want to know if it were possible) into the library over on pancake-swap-periphery that this contract imports and transforms the "empty" function and turns it into a real function by defining it in the blob that's imported?
My apologies for my ignorance but just conceptually speaking I was thinking if we could import some lines of code that makes the empty function into a real function, such as one that returns any crypto sent to the contract to return to the sender before the remainder of the contract can execute, then I'm just guessing based on my naïve understanding that we'd be able to prevent scammers from continuing to receive funds since this library is imported upon execution presumably (I dunno how that works honestly and if it's imported during compilation then nvm i guess sorry) able to help those who don't come across these warnings and help prevent them from losing funds. Just an idea but one that is, again, naïve of how import functions or the like work in python and smart-contracts or what have you.