What Business Category (Type) Do I Select for EDD if I Work in a Restaurant?
While filing or re-filing a new claim for EDD as part of the benefit year ending, specifically those who filed for unemployment last year as a result of COVID, you may come across the following question:
What type of business did that employer operate?

You are then instructed to click “Add Business Type” and are given a dropdown menu for Business Category.
To indicate that you work in a restaurant, you’ll want to select “Retail Trade”
This will load a section for Category Results and allow you to choose Eating and Drinking Establishments.

Hopefully that helps in case you’ve tried searching any of the following in Google or any other search engine lately:
- business category for restaurant
- business category for restaurant for edd
- What type of business is a restaurant EDD?
- What work types for EDD?
Or any other search with the hopes of determining which category to choose since they all don’t seem to indicate restaurant. So hopefully you found this page and found it helpful!
Tap that clap if it did, thanks!
If you also find the next question difficult, “What kind of work did you do for that employer?” In the search window, just type “restaurant” and you will have options for host/hostess, server, or manager.
If you were a bartender or busser, you can simply type “bartender” or “busser” without any issues.
But, if you were a supervisor, you’ll want to search “dining-service”
Again, I hope that helps!