2 min readMay 6, 2021


You've managed to verbalize how I've felt about my subscription to Masterclass in all its negative and disapproving aspects while also sharing with me insight that leads me to respect it as a business model all at the same time. So, in terms of helping me decided whether or not to renew, practically irrelevant. But, it's worth mentioning, and something I'd have to check, but I don't believe I ever remember Masterclass ever having claim of making subscribers a master themselves. So, perhaps it's clever marketing and resulting speculation that makes us misplace our expectations of it that causes this well-warranted feeling of disappointment. After all, It's just called "Master" class as lessons from those who are masters of their domain. it isn't called Masterclass so as to imply you too can be a master by the end of the class.

So as a learning expert, try not to cry anymore when a foolish website says they offer a world-class online learning experience, because they're just talking about the production value of online learning in so far as tidbits offered as a form of edutainment. Just as we would see in those individuals who watch online YouTube tutorials about how to do a certain thing and become a pro but never actually go out and do it, the same can be said about the target market (presumably) of Masterclass subscribers. It's meant for people who just want the inspiration and motivation but won't ever actually do anything with it.

So, in my case, the way that I've coped with my initial disappointment and prevent the encroachment of buyer's remorse after watching my first lesson and feeling the exact lack of actual education you've mentioned, I began to recognize it more as not a class per se that would teach you how to be a master, but rather, it's an opportunity to hear from someone you might admire that works in the field or industry you are pursuing. And, more of like being able to have a sit down conversation with that person and ask them questions that might help you be better at what you're studying or doing and not be some sort of substitute for taking such a class. In other words, it's like being able to sit down with a pro to have coffee with them where they share their story, insight, and experiences for you to learn from but only to that regard and not so much a replacement for class lectures, homework assignments and a general step towards mastering a particular craft.




Everyone is necessarily the hero of their own life story.